We have a strong expertise in supporting people with particularly complex needs, including Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Behaviours which may challenge, Mental Health conditions, Profound and multiple Learning disabilities, deaf and hearing loss and associated complex health needs.
We are dedicated to empowering individuals, enabling them to develop skills for life and healthy relationships, as well as supporting them to boost their confidence and self-esteem. Our vision is to provide the best specialist support, inspiring a generation to ensure people live happy, healthy and meaningful lives.
We provide comfortable and well-equipped care homes for people with many of our rooms having en suite facilities. Support is tailored to each individual’s needs, wishes and goals and we work with each person to create a bespoke care and support plan. We support people to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, supporting them in their daily activities and tasks and maintaining their independence. We provide a diverse range of leisure and recreational activities that people can choose to become involved with and offer care from a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals.
Our organisation has over 20 years of expertise and our ethos has always been to have the people we support and their families at the heart of our organisation and at the centre of everything we do.
Together we are focused on providing a strong foundation to offer the best possible support.
Today, our team of expert practitioners are proud to deliver high-quality support to people in all of our Hertfordshire care homes. We endeavour to be a continuing leader in best practice across the country and ensure that the people we support have every opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our goal is to drive quality across the sector and lead by example.
We ensure that the support we provide is tailored to the person’s needs and we look forward to working with you. Together we can continue to exceed expectations and make a real difference to the lives of the people we support.

Our staff is our refuge and strength
Our homes have a full time registered Manager and Deputy responsible for all aspects of the residential care provided. Care staff is available throughout the day and at night experienced staff are on duty at all times with waking night and sleep in staff, depending on the needs of the client group. An emergency on-call system enables support at all times to staff and residents from senior management.
All our Care staff have regular supervisions and appraisals and are encouraged and sponsored to achieve an NVQ qualification. All the homes have a unit training plan and each member of staff has an individual training plan. There is regular in-house training sessions based on the actual needs of the service users to help our staff understand what they need to do to give the utmost support to our service users.

Our care home locations
Old Grange, College road, Cheshunt, Herts EN89LT
Manager: Mr L Dharmapala
27 Flamstead End Road, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 0JA
Manager: Mrs Chris Brown
The Old Grange is a residential home that is registered for 7 adults with learning disabilities over three floors. The ground floor is adapted for three wheelchair users with additional physical disabilities. The first floor is for two people with learning disabilities and complex needs. On the third floor there are two self contained flats for supported living service users who have the added support of the staff team of the home if needed. The home is staffed to meet the individual needs of its service users and provides a waking and sleeping staff at night.
27 Flamstead End Road is a residential home for 6 adults with Learning disabilities. The home specialises in the care of adults with physical needs and has been adapted for wheelchair access. Some of the clients have additional complex needs and require high level of support in this home. The home is staffed to meet the individual needs of its service users and provides a waking and sleeping staff at night.